Work Station in Industry

Vocational training is provided in a community setting in small groups with 1 or 2 supervisors. By definition, the work training will occur in traditional worksites and occurs under the direction of Association of Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) certified Vocational Specialists.

 Tasks may include:

  • Product Assembly or labeling
  • Product packaging
  • Collating
  • Custodial functions

The service offering is dependent upon the availability of contracts within the local industry.

Funding for services may be from Consolidated Waiver, Community Living Waiver, Person & Family Directed Supports Waiver or private resources. 

Work Station in Industry typically occurs Monday-Friday, 8:30am-3:30pm.  The offices of Threshold Rehabilitation Services are open Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm. 
For more information, email, or call 610-777-7691, ext. 103.

Vocational Services | Threshold Rehabilitation Services